Our Morinville

Our Morinville is an opportunity to view life through our community members’ lenses. Photos can be of this and surrounding communities, cool photos from places our readers have visited. The pages are wide open on possibility. Each month we will select one photo as the choice of the month. That reader will receive a $100 Shop in Morinville gift certificate. They pick the business — we lay down the cash. Send your high-resolution photos to editor@morinvillenews.com.

Bird on a trough
Angie Stewart sent this great photo of a bird, taken at her mom’s acreage in Sturgeon County.

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O Christmas Tree
Tanya Mercer-Laniuk sent us this festive photo of a well-decorated Christmas Tree.

Winter girl
Rebecca Balanko sent us two photos, the first a photo of her daughter playing outdoors.

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Here Comes Santa Claus
Rebecca also sent this shot from the Town parade, held a couple weeks ago.

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Parade Lights
Our Morinville regular Frank Koenig sent us two shots of the same parade, depicting the many colourful lights that were on display.

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Christmas bird
Riley Quinn sent us two shots this week, the first a photo of a bird clinging to an outdoor Christmas tree.

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Backyard bunny
Riley’s second shot is of a familiar site around Morinville, one of nature’s creatures in its seasonal colours.