Letter: Re 2014 Budget

Dear Editor:

I recently attended the Morinville, Budget 2014 Open House on February 18.

There was lots of useful information.

There were lots of charts there.

Here are two charts that weren’t.

If information is the currency of democratic government, then comparative data is a catalyst for debate.

The Residential Tax Rates by Region and Morinville Residential Municipal Tax Rates History are updated as of February, 2014. Residential municipal tax rates are compared, as expressed in mills, for each community. None of the numbers include either the “Education – Alberta School Foundation Fund Tax Rate” portion of taxes levied, or the “Seniors Lodge Accommodation Tax Rate” portion.

Anyone can verify the accuracy, or otherwise, of this information by contacting Alberta Municipal Affairs or going directly to the Alberta Municipal Affairs website and selecting: Municipalities and Communities, then Maps and Statistics, then Municipal Profiles.

Residential Municipal Tax Rates by Region (2013)

Residential Municipal Tax Rates History (2013)

Residents may want to have access to this information as they assess the relationship between taxes levied, monies spent and value received.

Just another point of view.

Yours truly,
Paul G. O’Dea
Morinville Resident