Praying together
Catholic Women’s League members Denise Touchette and Simonne Chevalier sing with Father Brian Bricker and the more than 80 people who attended the World Day of Prayer at Heritage Lodge Friday. The theme this year was Streams in the Desert and the service was prepared by women from Egypt. World Day of Prayer began in Canada and the United States in 1922 and is now observed in more than 170 countries worldwide each year.
-Lucie Roy Photo
Women of Alexander
An original art piece by Tara Chubey was one of the items on display when The Musee Morinville Museum unveiled the Iskwewak (Women) of Alexander First Nation Display Saturday. Guests in attendance included Councillors Brennan Fitzgerald, Stephen Dafoe, Nicole Boutestein and Barry Turner, Sylvia Jennings, and Adele Paul, Cheryl Savoie, and Tara Chubey of Alexander First Nation. The welcome and intro was performed by museum Director Andre Noel and President Sheila Houle. On behalf of Alexander First Nation women Savoie acknowledged President Sheila Houle and her museum volunteers for leading the way. “This is an exciting time for women of Alexander, this exhibit is just a snippet of the depth they can go into and we are very excited going forward,” said Alexander’s Economic Development Officer Cheryl Savoie, adding her thanks to Adele Paul for all her work in coordinating the exhibit and demonstrating community spirit.
Exceptional women
From left: Morinville Mayor Lisa Holmes poses after an award ceremony Saturday night with International Women’s Day award winners Kaileen Chisholm, Brandi Robinson, Rebecca Balanko, and Nina Delling, the UN embassador for the Edmonton chapter. – Submitted Photo