Our Morinville is an opportunity to view life through our community members’ lenses. Photos can be of this and surrounding communities, cool photos from places our readers have visited. The pages are wide open on possibility. Each month we will select one photo as the choice of the month. That reader will receive a $100 Shop in Morinville gift certificate. They pick the Morinville News advertiser — we lay down the cash in the form of a gift certificate. Send your high-resolution photos to editor@morinvillenews.com.
Frank Koenig sent this shot of his clan standing under a giant statue of Marilyn Monroe recreating a scene from the movie The Seven Year Itch. The shot was taken on a recent trip to Palm Springs, Florida.
Warmer climes
Frank also sent this second photo to further torment those of us who did not get away this winter to some place warm and sunny.
Dog days of winter
Jenn Boisvert sent us this shot of her dog Drake having some fun outside in the snow.
Sunny reading
Leeann Landry said “I think we need some sunshine morale to get us through the horrible winter” when she submitted this photo of herself reading on the beach in Montego Bay. Leeann said she found herself looking at the picture quite often during the last few very cold weeks.

What happens in Vegas
Jaaki Chatry sent this photo of her husband “up to no good in Vegas.” He is the one in the middle between the two-man wolf pack look-a-likes from the movie The Hangover.
This week’s Adopt-a-Pet
Bowtie is a six-month-old neutered kitten. He was found as a stray in St. Albert, frozen, skinny, and all matted. He had to get a haircut to get rid of all the matts, but he sure looks handsome with his stylish hairdo. Because he was on his own for most of his life, Bowtie is somewhat timid and takes a while to get used to things. He gets along with other cats fine, but prefers to be alone. Please drop by and pay him a visit to the Morinville Veterinary Clinic at 9804-90 Ave. Morinville or call them at 780.933.3133.