Town and County taking next steps in regional collaboration

Joint Council
– Submitted Photo

by Morinville News Staff

Morinville Mayor Lisa Holmes and Sturgeon County Mayor Tom Flynn are looking forward to a joint meeting of their respective Councils early next month that will have the two municipalities discussing the next steps in future cooperative planning.

The two municipalities recently received joint grant funding under Alberta Municipal Affairs’ Regional Collaboration Program that will allow the municipalities to establish common bonds and focus collaborative efforts in the areas of planning and strategic priority setting. Administrative staff from both municipalities will be meeting with the province May 26 to discuss the terms of the Regional Collaboration grant.

“There are many opportunities for our Councils when we plan for the future together,” said Morinville Mayor Lisa Holmes in a release issued by the two municipalities Thursday morning. “As neighbours we are motivated to explore ways to do more together through a cooperative, open relationship.”

Sturgeon County Mayor Tom Flynn is also looking forward to the opportunity. “Our Council is always open to looking at collaborative opportunities for our community,” Flynn said in the same release. “I commend the continued commitment of our respective Councils.”

Both Councils made motions at their respective May 13 Council meetings to schedule an opportunity to meet and explore potential opportunities. That meeting has been scheduled for June 10.