Morinville sees lots of buck passing

Fortis Funds Fish and Game

Gathered at the Morinville Fish and Game Pond on Wednesday morning for a $3,000 cheque presentation were from left: Community Services Community Development Coordinator Allen Jacobson, Mayor Lisa Holmes, Dora L’Heureux, FortisAlberta Stakeholder Relations Manager Customer Service, Town of Morinville Operations Manager Donald Fairweather, Morinville Fish & Game Association President Joe Sinclair Miles Allen with MFGA Pond & Housing and Jack Reader, MFGA Info and Firearms Training.

FortisAlberta presented the town of Morinville with a cheque as the community was chosen as one of the eight winners out of 79 submissions in FortisAlberta’s 2014 Community Naturalization Grant contest.

The purpose of the grant is to help the municipalities FortisAlberta serves to develop or improve environmentally friendly programs and facilities.

The Town of Morinville will use their grant in collaboration with the Fish & Game Association to purchase and install bat boxes and information signs, and to plant deer sensitive, marginal, and dragon fly friendly vegetation.

Local groups and schools will assist with the installation aimed at decreasing mosquito activity through an increase in bird and bat population, thereby making the area more enjoyable for use as a gathering place.

Jacobson said the Town has spent considerable funds and efforts in in collaboration with the MFGA developing the area through the installation of barbecue pits, exercise equipment, benches, natural habitat information signs and solar fountain and aerators in the small lake along the recently completed trail system.

– Lucie Roy Photo

Some green for green

Morinville Community High School Urban Ag teacher Neil Korotash and some of his class pose with the giant $1,000 cheque the Urban Agriculture Program received from the Toyota Evergreening Fund.

– Elene Hartman Photo