Here is some news and information of importance to Morinville residents.
Property taxes
Property taxes are due June 30. Any current taxes unpaid at June 30, 2014 are subject to a penalty of 15%. Any unpaid taxes
outstanding at December 31 are subject to a penalty of 18%.
Photo Enforcement Coffee Night
Join Council for coffee and informal discussion on your vision for the Photo Enforcement Program in Morinville.
The event takes place at Higher Grounds Espresso Bar on 100 Avenue Wednesday, June 25th 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Take notice that the following Development Permit(s) listed below have been approved in accordance with Morinville Land Use Bylaw 3/2012.
DP122/2014 – Single Detached Dwelling and Detached
Garage, 509 Sunnydale Road (Lot 1, Block 28, Plan 792 3020) – Minimum Required Front Yard – Variance (R-1A District).
For further information or to arrange for an appointment to view the above development permit(s) or plans, please contact the Planning & Development Department at 780-939-4361 or visit www.morinville. ca/planningnews.
Persons wishing to appeal the above noted decision(s) of Morinville’s Development Authority must do so by filing a “NOTICE OF APPEAL”, along with payment of a $200 non-refundable fee to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, NO LATER THAN JULY 09, 2014. Appeals can be filed with the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board by calling 780-939-4361.
Town looking for Photo Enforcement contractor
Town of Morinville is seeking “REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS” for Automated Traffic Enforcement.

Proposal Deadline: July 24, 2014 by 2:00 pm Full RFP Package details can be found on the Town Website or through Alberta Purchasing Connection at
For information, contact David Schaefer at 780-499-9432 or e-mail
Council on break
After the regular Council meeting on June 24, Town Council will break for the summer, reconvening on August 26. They are always available via email or by calling 780.939.4361. They wish residents a relaxing, fun and safe summer!
2014 Toilet Rebate Program
The Town of Morinville is offering a rebate to residents, rental properties and business owners to encourage the replacement of old and inefficient toilets with low-flush or dual-flush toilets to reduce water consumption. For 2014, there is no limit to the number of toilets per property to qualify for the rebates.The program is retroactive to January 1st, 2014 and will be effective until the rebate funding is depleted. First come – first serve, so act fast!
The program provides a rebate of $75 on the purchase of new “WaterSense” labeled low-flush or dual-flush toilets rated 6 Liters per flush (Lpf) or less. The low-flush/dual flush toilet must be a replacement unit.
Toilets installed in newly constructed homes or add-on bathrooms are not eligible as they should already meet these criteria. The toilet must be WaterSense labeled, indicating that it has been backed by a third party, independently tested and is built to WaterSense specifications of efficiency and performance.
For additional information on the program requirements or how to submit and access an application form, please visit our website at or pick up an application on the second floor of Civic Place or visit the Public Works shop at 10310 – 107th Street.
I have been looking for the Request For Proposals for Automated Traffic Enforcement on the town website and I cannot find it. Could someone point me towards it, I would like to read up on it prior to the meet and greet at Higher Grounds? Thanks
I also checked the Town of Morinville website and could not find the Request for Proposal as mentioned above.
You can find the Request for Proposals by clicking on this link: