Canada Day in photos

Photos by Lucie Roy

The Morinville Historical and Cultural Society hosted their annual Canada Day in the Park event Tuesday afternoon, an event that filled St. Jean Baptiste Park with approximately 500 people who came out to celebrate Canada’s 147th birthday.

The day starts with tiny Canadian flags distributed to lawns outside residents’ homes.

Charlie, her brother Hudson Haglund and Grandma Heather Gardner enjoying a picnic in the park.

Murray Knight,event organizer and master of ceremony

Mayor and Councillors were serving hot dogs. DEputy Mayor Dafoe, Councillor Ladouceur, Mayor Holmes and Councillor Turner.

Joe Gosselin in his Canada Day attire.

Sheila Houle President of the Morinville Historical and Cultural Society and Pat Noel.

RCMP Constable Luc Rogers salutes the flag.

bob tough
Bob Tough and his Canada Day Hat

The band entertains with some Canadian music.

A boy takes his turn at the ring-the-bell game.

The fire department raises the Canadian flag on Ladder 4, 90 feet above the ground.

Council cuts and serves Canada Day cake.

The choir sings.


Fireworks end the day with an impressive display.


  1. I was under the understanding that the Canada Day events were going on until 3pm. I was quite disappointed when we arrived at the park shortly after 2pm and things seemed to be pretty much all done. They were even starting to pack up. My 4 year old didn’t get his face painted (the line was still fairly long and only one painter, poor girl!) but he did get to play a few games and then we left. I was hoping to take in more of the festivities!

    • Angela

      I am sorry you felt disappointed and hope you will come back next year. This is our largest turnout for our Canada Day event in the past four years (we have been only doing it for 4 years), We have growing pains, the turnout was fantastic, we will make changes to our program to ensure our event continues to grow. Yes, we had only one face painter, there was a long lineup but the young lady stayed till 4:00 p.m. to ensure that all in line had their faces painted. Please accept my apology and see you next year. If you would like to give me a call, my phone number is (780) 939-3925.

      Murray Knight
      Morinville Historical and Cultural Society

  2. We have been Morinville residents for the past two years and just want to say a big THANK YOU to the people who set out those little flags on Canada Day Morning. When you see those little flags at every house, no matter what the race or nationality, there is a huge sense of pride that we are ALL Canadians. I love being a part of this great country. Thank you to all who make us a part of the bigger part.

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