A great leap of cash
Breanne Hommy, Development Officer with the Alberta Cancer Foundation accepted an $8,250 cheque from Tina Gougeon, event organizer of the Leap of Faith golf tournament, auction, and show and shine held Aug. 16 in Morinville. Looking on is Morinville Legion Presdent Gerry Morrow. Gougeon decided to do the fundraiser for the Cross Cancer Institute to show gratitude for how she was treated while getting treatments there.
– Lucie Roy photo
HATS off to this group of grannies
The Hands Across The Sea (HATS) Grandmother to Grandmother group held a fundraising event at the Morinville United Church on Saturday afternoon. The afternoon featured a bake sale, silent auction, tombola activities, and a pie luncheon baked by the grandmothers themselves.
All monies raised at the event go to support Grandmothers in Africa through the Stephen Lewis Foundation.