Our Morinville and Area in Photos

Our Morinville & Area is an opportunity to view life through our community members’ lenses. Photos can be taken in Morinville and the surrounding communities in Sturgeon County or even cool photos from places our readers have visited. The photo pages are wide open on possibilities. Each month we will select one photo as the choice of the month. That reader will receive a $100 Shop in Morinville gift certificate.
They pick the Morinville News advertiser and we lay down the cash in the form of a gift certificate. Send your high-resolution photos to editor@morinvillenews.com.

Wilma Van Herk was able to capture three photos of a Red-Breasted Nuthatch on her feeder.

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Frank Koenig sent in this photo of a colourful Morinville sunset.

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Don Boutilier send this great shot of the early morning moon.