Morinville schools take time to remember

by Lucie Roy

Ecole Notre Dame, Morinville Public, Georges H. Primeau and Morinville Community High School took time to remember Thursday. Each school held a Remembrance Day Ceremony.

Notre Dame School Principal Raymonde Roulston welcomed the guests, parents, Father Martin, members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Canadian Armed Forces, firefighters and peace officers to the ceremony. In her address Roulston said “We gather to remember and celebrate the heroism, courage and sacrifice made by many people to protect our way of life. As we remember today, let us realize how lucky we are to live in a country like Canada. A country where we have the freedom and right to speak, the right to go to school, to church to vote.”

The You Tube video Brothers in Arms Canadian Soldiers, played while the Colour Guard Procession and students entered the gym. The military family of St-Martin-Trottier brought a wreath to the ceremony and a poppy wreath was brought by the Aucoin family. Roulston said, “on Remembrance Day when everybody wears a poppy and stands in silence, it is like saying Thank you to all those brave men and women who have done everything they could to help others in need. We only wear a poppy in November so that is why we ask that every Friday you wear a red t-shirt. It shows your support for all the Canadian soldiers who continue to serve and fight for us today.”

A PowerPoint made by teacher Angelle Peacock, Prayers by Father Martin, Intentions, Last Post, Silence and Reveille, Grade 1 French Classes and Grade 2D and 3D singing Let There be Peace on Earth and a YouTube video by Vince Gill completed the ceremony.

Morinville Public School Remembrance Ceremony started with a welcome from Shawna Walter and the Marching of the Flags with Officer Norton and members of the Cadets, Girl Guides, Brownies and Sparks. The opening by Austin Farvolden was followed by introduction of guests Corporal Jo Phinney, Officer Norton, Comrade Phil Morrow, Mayor Lisa Holmes and Sturgeon School Division Secretary Treasurer Iva Paulik. The ceremony included a video by Nathan Holmes, titled What does Remembrance Mean to You, wreath laying by students to the music Soldiers Cry, Imagine by Mr. Layton’s Grade Four, an Early Years video, Flanders Field by Mrs. Hamilton’s Grade Five, poem by Brooke Peters and presentation and wreath laying by Jo Phinney.

Primeau’s Remembrance Ceremony included a performance by the Primeau Band, prayers by Father Mario, Master of Ceremony Makayla Himschoot, a presentation by 4 Service Battalion RMS Clerk Sgt Kristi Arsenau, video, Last Post, Silence, Reveille and Army Cadet Isaac Sweet at attention by Canadian flag during the ceremony.

Morinville community High School held their ceremony Thursday afternoon and students were asked to dress formally for the day.

Below are some shots of the day’s events.


MPS students Madison Logan and Taylor Kachur lined up with the wreaths prior to the start of the ceremony.

Photo by Lucie Roy


Morinville Public School students Scotlyn Waters and Daniel Harding.

Photo by Lucie Roy


Morinville Public School students Loralei Nilsson, Mayor Lisa Holmes, Madison Logan and Jaxon Girard. The students were getting ready for the wreath laying ceremony.

Photo by Lucie Roy


Primeau with Army cadet Isaac Sweet, Master of Ceremony Makayla Himschoot and Father Mario.

Photo by Lucie Roy


Town Manager Deb Oyarzun and Councillors Gord putnam and Nicole Boutestein were among the dignitaries at Primeau’s service.

– Lucie Roy Photo


Army Cadet Isaac Sweet holding the Canada flag at Primeau during the Remembrance Day Ceremony held on Thursday.

Photo by Lucie Roy


Firefighters and Deputy Mayor Stephen Dafoe were among the dignitaries at Notre Dame’s ceremony. They were joined by RCMP, a peace officer, Scouts, Girl Guides and many military parents.

– Lucy Roy Photo


Veteran Walter Corbett at Notre Dame

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Katherine Hughes and her father Master Warrant Officer, Shawn Hughes paid their respect at the MCHS Remembrance Day ceremony.

– Lauren Stromner Photo