The Christmas season is upon us all once again! The sharing of laughter, good food, gifts with family and friends seems to be more important at this season than any other. We are all busy running around getting ready for the big event, making sure we have all our decorations out, food bought, our dainties baked, school plays, work parties and yes the gifts bought and wrapped. It is a busy season, but let us stop for one moment and think of those less fortunate that we are.
For me this year, my thoughts are with our local food bank as due to bad weather and other circumstances, the food bank collected much less than it has in previous years and I know for a fact that the number of people walking through their doors on a weekly basis has increased substantially. Also, were you aware that the Food Bank hands out mitts, scarves and toques to those who walk through the doors and have none? They are also accepting knitted or crocheted items such as blankets, afghans etc.
They say charity begins at home and for me that is the Town of Morinville and so I would like to challenge everyone to look deep in their hearts and donate whatever they can to the Food Bank to help others out at Christmas.
The Food Bank is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 4:00 and their phone number is (780) 939-2636.

Merry Christmas
Linda Lyons