Legal Council briefs

by Lucie Roy

Town of Legal held their Regular Council Meeting Jan. 6 with Councillor Hauptman, Mayor Baril, CAO Robert Proulx Councillor Hills and Manager of Corporate Services St. Jean in attendance.

The year is starting strong with four development permits to be processed in the coming weeks.

Two members of Council, Councillor Hauptman and Deputy Mayor Tremblay, who are also part of the Recruitment Committee are scheduled to attend the Alberta Rural Physician Action Plan (RPAP) Community Attraction & Retention Conference to be held in March.

The seventh annual Community Conference theme is titled “Shift Happens” and includes a full agenda with opportunities for networking, sharing ideas on recruitment and retention strategies.

Last year more than 100 participants, representing more than 50 communities across Alberta, attended the conference.

A motion was passed to provide sponsorship for the newsletter the Legal-Lerie for 2015 in the amount of $1,680 for 12 issues an $80 increase from 2014 sponsorship.