by Morinville News Staff
Looking at your crotch could get you in trouble with the RCMP this month, at least if that is where you are hiding your phone while driving. It’s a common tactic of those who are aware of the prohibitions on distracted driving, so common the province launched a Crotches Kill billboard campaign two years ago.
Morinville RCMP will be focussing on distracted driving for the month of February and are asking motorists to be mindful of the importance of paying attention to their surrounding while driving.
“It is crucial that we change driver attitudes and behaviors in order to make our roads safer,” wrote RCMP Constable Chantale Mailloux in a press release Friday.
Distracted Driving Legislation came into effect in Alberta Sept. 1, 2011. The legislation restricts drivers from talking on a hand-held phone, texting, emailing, and using electronic devices, including laptops, cameras, and video games. Motorists are also prohibited from manually entering information on GPS units, reading printed materials, writing, and personal grooming, including brushing their hair or applying makeup.

Distracted driving carries a fine of $172.
Emergency vehicles, police vehicles, fire response units, ambulances, and gas disconnection units are exempt from the prohibition on hand-held phone use. Drivers are only permitted to use cell phones or radio communication devices if they are in a hands-free or voice-activated mode.
Visit www.transportation.alberta.ca/distracteddriving.htm for more information.