The Legal Ledger – here’s what’s happening in your community

Above: Residents at Chateau Sturgeon Lodge in Legal enjoyed a little BINGO action Tuesday afternoon. – Stephen Dafoe Photo


Legal School students Jamie (left) and Brandon Spilsbury play a little basketball Tuesday afternoon. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

legal council photo

Legal Council Briefs

by Lucie Roy

Fun Run tabled

Legal Council tabled a sponsorship request from the Hit the Snow for the Stollery event until their next meeting so they can gather more information on what organizers are looking for in terms of support.

The 2nd annual snowmobile poker fun run fundraiser takes place for Feb. 28 and includes a pig roast dinner and entertainment at the Legal Hotel. Organizers are looking for donations of door prizes and silent auction items. All proceeds will go to the Stollery Children’s Hospital.

Chamber AGM coming up

The Legal & District Chamber of Commerce will host their Annual General Meeting Feb. 26 at the Centralta Community Centre from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The event includes a beer social meal and business networking on top of the business of the AGM. Tickets $10 each and includes meal and beer. Those wishing to attend are asked to RSVP by Monday, Feb 16.

Family Day in Legal

Legal Family and Community Support Services will host a Family Day event Feb. 16. Events run from noon until 3 p.m. and include a public skate from noon until 2 p.m., hot chocolate, wagon rides, and community ice sculpture building from noon until 3 p.m. Other activities include crafts, a scavenger hunt, and youth shinny.

Families completing the Family Day Unplugged ballot could win a $100 Family Day Prize Pack.

Volunteers to be appreciated

Legal’s Volunteer Appreciation will be Apr. 17 this year. The annual event is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate its volunteers.