Province invests $7.9 million for St. Albert Lodge

Above – From left: Bill Eaves, Sturgeon Foundation St. Albert Area Housing Administrator; Marjorie Bungay, Housing Administrator Special Projects; Jim Fowler, Director of Accommodation Services; Board of Directors member from St. Albert, Councillor Wes Brodhead; Minister of Service Alberta and St. Albert MLA, Stephen Khan; Sturgeon Foundation Board Chair from Redwater, Mayor Mel Smith; and Executive Director Dennis Magnusson.

by Lucie Roy

The Alberta government will invest $7.9 million to add 42 units to the current 45-unit North Ridge Lodge in St. Albert, a move that will nearly double the facility’s capacity. The Sturgeon Foundation owns and operates North Ridge Lodge, which opened to residents in 1992.

Minister of Service Alberta and St. Albert MLA Stephen Khan made the announcement at the facility Monday morning. Sturgeon Foundation Executive Director Dennis Magnusson and other Sturgeon Foundation employees and board members joined Kahn at the announcement along with North Ridge and Chateau Mission Lodge residents.

“St. Albert is a great community because of our seniors who helped build it,” Khan said. “The safety and well-being of our seniors is extremely important, and I am glad to see that St. Albert is being allocated the funds we need to ensure that.”

Khan said the North Ridge commitment to seniors’ stable housing is in addition to sprinkler and fire safety upgrades recently announced for lodges throughout the province. Nearly $1.4 million will be invested to upgrade the seniors facilities in St. Albert.