by Morinville News Staff
The cool ice may be out of the Ray McDonald Sports Center for another season, but the action is about to heat up next weekend at the Morinville District Chamber of Commerce Leap Into Spring Expo.
Once again this year, The Morinville News is sponsoring the Annual Baby Crawl on Sunday, the last day of the event.
Crawling athletes will have their chance at three trophies and prize packages up for grabs in the annual racing event.
“We have a thing for offbeat sporting events,” said Morinville News publisher Stephen Dafoe. “When the Morinville Community Cultural Centre opened in 2011, we pushed the boundaries by bringing a professional wrestling show into the new facility. We’ve sponsored wrestling for several years at the St. Jean Baptist Festival and have been the sponsor of the Annual Baby Crawl for the past four years. It’s a lot of fun, and the most fun is watching the moms and dads trying to lure their children down the track toward’s the finish line.”

Dafoe said how many heats the event has is directly dependent on how many babies show up for the 2 p.m. flag drop.
The rules are simple — any baby is eligible to race, provided the child cannot walk yet, and parents are willing to allow their child to be photographed and filmed by the media.
Prizes will be awarded for the first-, second-, and third-place winners. Each will recieve a trophy and a prize package.
Those interested in participating in the event can bring their crawling offspring to the Ray McDonald Sports Center Apr. 19 for the 2 p.m. event. Contestents should arrive at 1:30 to register and ensure a spot.