Dear editor,
After reading the editorial on unrecognized volunteers in your April 8th edition, I have to admit I felt adequately chastised and disheartened at the lack of people stepping up to nominate the plethora of deserving volunteers in our community. I am ashamed to admit that though my intention for nominations was good, it lacked sufficient follow through in a timely manner. Yes, the proverbial ball was dropped. I am sad that so many of these incredibly hardworking and kind-hearted community helpers did not get the chance at the recognition they so deserve.
I have found that it is almost always true, that the busiest persons among us are the ones that step up the most to get things done. This phenomenon amazes me as I witness friends and neighbours with full-time jobs and families to raise, sit on numerous committees and boards, coach teams, organize events, raise funds, bake, fix, babysit, shovel, drive, build, teach… well, you get the idea. I would say that volunteers are not only a testament for any community, but also it’s backbone and spirit bringers. You experience their joy, community spirit and dedication everywhere you look; in our schools, churches, seniors centers, charities, sports teams, community festivals and events, big or small. Working with many of these incredible humans over the few years I have resided here has brought me friendships, joy, appreciation and a love for living in this town. It is the many people actively volunteering and practicing acts of everyday kindness who truly make Morinville an exceptional place to live.
I know from experience that knowing how to show our appreciation to those who positively impact our daily lives can be difficult. Sometimes these acts can be so profoundly grand it seems no form of thank you could be big enough, but most often it is enough.
On that note, I would like to express a delayed and very much deserved THANK YOU of all to the many supporters and volunteers of the 2014 MMM’s Adopt A Family campaign. It was the most overwhelming year in both need and giving. It is a rare thing for this girl to be brought to her knees and reduced to tears, but on the evening of December 19th, on the floor of our donation headquarters, that is how you would have found me. Surrounded by the seemingly neverending stream of donations being carried in by our very own Town Council. The reality of what they had just done for our campaign was utterly overwhelming. For this, I thank you Lisa Holmes, Barry Turner, Brennan Fitzgerald, Stephen Dafoe, Gord Putnam, Nicole Boutestein, Rob Ladouceur and your families. It is an awesome thing to watch your community leaders care so much, not only in this incidence, but in all the ways you step up to enrich our community and lead by example. And to the Morinville Marvellous Moms group members, you were a powerhouse of support yet again. Your generosity of spirit, time, donations and resources were so appreciated, by the committee members and the many, many families we assisted this year.

Tonight [Apr. 9], my family and I will once again enjoy applauding the efforts of deserving Morinville volunteers at the MCCC, an event we look forward to every year. It is my vow that next year, I will not drop the ball, but instead take the time to bring forward some of the amazing volunteers I know, to receive the recognition they most definitely deserve.
Sarah Hall, Morinville