Candidates speak ahead of forum [VIDEO]

Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock voters will have an opportunity to hear the candidates make their pitches and answer questions at an all-candidates forum Apr. 23. Organizers have arranged to have PC candidate Maureen Kubinec, Wildrose candidate Glenn van Dijken and NDP candidate Tristan Turner attend the event.

Morinville News gave each of the candidates up to two minutes at this past weekend’s Trade Show to express their thoughts. Below are the videos of candidates Tristan Turner, Maureen Kubinec, and Glenn van Dijken.

NDP Tristan Turner

PC Maureen Kubinec

Wildrose Glenn van Dijken

The forum will take place at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. and is being put on by the Rotary Club of Morinville, Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce, Sturgeon Teachers (ATA Local No. 27) and the Greater St. Albert Catholic Teachers Local No. 23. The event is also sponsored by the Town of Morinville, Sturgeon County and The Morinville News.

Those wishing to have questions asked at the forum will need to arrive a little early as question submissions will take place between 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Students from Grade 4 and up are encourage to attend as there will be a student vote at the conclusion of the forum to gauge how well the candidates did with youth.

Babysitting will be available from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

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  1. ……and why are the unions being allowed to be involved? They are clearly not neutral!

  2. We are sponsoring the event by promoting the event. You might ask your question directly to the Chamber or Rotary as they are the organizers of the forum.

  3. Joe, I have been involved in political engagement for the Alberta Teachers’ Association and Sturgeon ATA Local for almost 10 years. The ATA and Sturgeon ATA Local do not ask their members to vote for specific candidates or parties. We believe that informed educators will make informed decisions. If there is any organization that presents some bias, I would argue it is the Wildrose. There have been teacher organized forums and events rebuffed by Wildrose candidates across this province. This is curious in a wide open election where teachers are looking for sustainable funding for education. In the Danielle Smith days, she would only ever send her work soldier Vitor to every ATA function, instead of coming herself.

    It was I that contacted the Chamber and Rotary to support a joint forum, which among many things, would allow students the opportunity to cast a ballot for their candidate following a question period. As educators, we believe politically engaged youth are more likely to be politically active adults, and ultimately contribute to a healthy democracy.

    As a Wildrose candidate, you might be well served to leave your anti-union bias at your own door. There are many educators in your consistency looking for someone to champion public education. A good friend of mine, Greg Jeffery happens to live in the constituency you are running in. He also happens to be the Vice President of the Alberta Teachers’ Association. I would be happy to get him in touch with you.

    – Thomas

  4. By helping host an event the sturgeon local is helping all citizens: parents and students LEARN. Of course that is our goal as teachers, and to create global responsible citizens who will continue our democratic society. What better opportunity to do this than to invite parents and students to a local forum to participate and view a political event such as this. We are in no way telling people how to vote. Of course we hope to hear answers to questions about education as that is what is dear to us, as oil workers may ask about sustainability.
    I hardly think being a part of organizing a public event we are acting out of turn. Really I don’t think providing childcare, and child friendly snacks at a forum to encourage families to attend is hardly partisan activity when our job description so clearly states to teach and encourage citizenship. What should come first my political edict or creating citizens? I hope you focus more time on how you will build trust in the pirple and less time worrying about who is giving you the opportunities to do so.

  5. Unfortunately, many members of many unions are not terribly happy to see their hard-earned union dues being spent for political purposes. Even more unfortunately, most union leadership folks really don’t seem to care what the rank and file want and will continue to squander those monies on promoting one political party (or viewpoint) over any other.

    In a true democracy, workers in any trade or profession should have the right to choose whether or not they must pay dues to a union.

    I think that encouraging everyone, including school-age children to attend this forum is a good one because I too believe (and hope!) that politically educated youngsters will develop into politically active adults.

    BTW, for Thomas and Mo – I suggest the both of you check your spelling and grammar prior to posting a comment. To me, misspellings and poor grammar are not good reflections on the teaching profession.

    Have a nice day,


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