Legal Council briefs

by Lucie Roy

Budget increases

Legal’s Draft Budget shows a 5.4% increase over 2014.

With one of the Councillors absent from the May 19 meeting, budget discussions will take place this week.

Legal residents are on tap to pay a little more for services once the budget is passed. Proposed increases include an increase in water that will affect the average home owner’s water bill of roughly $2.12 per month. Sewer and garbage will see a $1 increase each on the monthly utility bill.

Current bimonthly rates are $72.00 for first nine cubic meters of water, $17.00 for sewer and $31.00 for garbage.

Mayor and Council to get first raise in 15 years

After a decade and a half, Legal is planning to give its Council members a $150 a month raise.

The new rate will see the mayor’s salary rise from $750 per month to $900 per month. Council members’ pay will rise from $550 per month to $700 per month.

Council also receives additional monies. Meetings outside of regular and special meetings earn a per diem of $100.00 for meetings four hours or less. Council is paid $200.00 for those that exceed four hours.

Hockey rentals going up

The arena ice slots will see an increase in hourly rates effective June 1, 2015. For local minor hockey team $114.00 per hour. Local adult hockey teams will pay $150 per hour. Non-resident minor hockey and adult teams will pay $ 160 per hour. All prices are subject to GST.

The last ice rental increase was in 2011.

Slogan Fete

For the Fete au Village parade participants are allowed to use the slogan, Our Community Our Passion, and the Legal colours, but they are not permitted to use the Town logo.

Summer market coming soon

The Legal Summer Market will be open from June 18 to Sept. 24 from 2-8 p.m. and situated west of the Legal Super Mart on 49 Montpetit Street and 50 Ave Legal.

There are no baked goods without AHS approval; it is free for vendors to attend and same location as last year.

The makret does not qualify as a Farmers’ Market as Farmers’ Markets require a minimum of 10 vendors and a seasonal vendor average of 80% Make It, Bake It, Grow It.