Canada Day in Morinville to be a family affair

by Morinville News Staff

The flags are flying above Main Street in preparation for the Morinville Historical and Cultural Society’s annual Canada Day in the park event running Wednesday from noon until 3 p.m.

Although the festivities and participation have grown, organizer Murray Knight says patriotism and a sense of community remain at its core. Once again the celebration will carry the family picnic in the park theme.

Knight and his committee are hoping to see lots of people out to celebrate Canada’s 148th birthday, an event that coincides with the 200th birthday of Sir John A. Macdonald and the 50th celebration of our maple leaf flag. Knight said the four flags that have flown in Canada over the years would be on display during the event.

This year’s event starts at noon with a free hot dog lunch supplied by Morinville Town Council. Opening ceremonies will commence at 12:45 p.m. and include the raising of the flag and singing of the National Anthem at 1 p.m. The serving of cake, ice cream and watermelon will follow the formal portion of the event. Other activities include face painting, bouncy castles, games and live music in the park from noon until 2:30 p.m.

Canada Day festivities will include fireworks booming above town; however, those expecting to watch the fireworks from the comfort of their decks may be disappointed. Knight said this year’s display will be shot off at a lower elevation and that people are encouraged to view them closer to the Morinville Public School grounds where they will be launched. Fireworks are scheduled to be let off at 10:45 p.m.

Below is a poster of this year’s activities.

Canada Day Poster - 2015

canada day