Emilienne Dostie shows a photo of her children to Keltie Brisson, Heritage Lodge’s new program coordinator. Brisson started in the position July 13, taking over from Mary Benson who made the move to Aspen House.
– Stephen Dafoe Photo
by Stephen Dafoe
Morinville resident Keltie Brisson is Heritage Lodge’s new program coordinator, having taken over the reins from Mary Benson, now at Aspen Lodge. Brisson has 14 years experience in long-term care and continuing care. She is a certified recreation therapist through Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA). “I decided to sell my day program,” she said, adding the business is located in Edmonton. “I sold my half and decided I needed to simplify and work in town. Thinking I’d take the summer off, this position popped up in the newspaper.”

Brisson said she wants to continue with the activities residents enjoy, but that she also wants to put her own ideas and expertise in play when planning activities at the lodge. The program coordinator is also a yoga and fitness teacher and said she wants to work on upping mobility. “I’ve done a lot of falls prevention-type services and try to make it a lot more theraputic,” she said.
Brisson said her philosophy is making sure there is dignity, respect, and treating everyone like an adult. “I really don’t like the term senior,” she said. “It puts a label on people and an 80-year-old is still the same 20-year-old they were.” She is hoping to get more of the residents involved through a variety of programs that residents will enjoy.