Our Morinville – reader’s photos

We asked our readers to share their summer with us by sending us their favourite photos from what they have been up to. Below is a video of those shots as well as the shots themselves.

Thanks to our readers that sent us some photos of how they are spending their summer. Here they are set to music.

Posted by MorinvilleNews.com on Friday, 17 July 2015

If the video does not appear, click here.


Submitted by Eva Scrimshaw


Submitted by Joann Deveau



Submitted by Melodie Steele

Nicole Bahry Rogers

Submitted by Nicole Bahry Rogers

Stacey Nordin - son Tye

Submitted by Stacey Nordin

Sue Jackson



Submitted by Sue Jackson

You can email your cool fun shots to editor@morinvillenews.com.