MLA looking to establish Morinville office

MLA Glenn van Dijken speaks to local Rotarians Wednesday morning. – Lucie Roy Photo

by Morinville News Staff

Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock (BMW) MLA Glenn van Dijken was Rotary’s guest speaker July 22, offering the newly-minted politician an opportunity to get to know some of his constituents a little better.

More than 40 people came out to hear the MLA, who spoke about his background, the importance of volunteering, and what he sees as his role as a member of the Legislative Assembly. “I have an open door for all people,” he told Rotarians. “I am the member of Legislative Assembly for one hundred per cent of the constituents of BMW, so I will work for every person in this riding to the best of my ability.”

Part of serving his riding to the best of his ability includes opening an office in Morinville, something he said he was hoping to have in place by the fall.

“We are looking for a place in Morinville to set up a facility that we can reach out to the members in a better way,” he said, adding he had a meeting with a realtor that day and was hoping to find something that would fit in budget. “I am very much about budget and fiscal responsibility and all that, so we are hoping we can have something set up by fall in Morinville and start to have the ability for the people in the vicinity here, and reaching out to Legal and Riviere Qui Barre.”

Van Dijken said he felt having an office in Morinville would allow people to have a closer link with their MLA than his current Edmonton office.

The MLA reiterated his commitment to representing 100 per cent of the region he covers. “If you are worried that your views do not line up with my views, that is OK,” he said. “Come and talk to me and introduce yourself to me and possibly areas where you have concerns with the province. Where you have needs to be filled, where the province can help and fill those needs – that is what I am here for.”