I have noticed since they built the new off leash dog park next to the Fish and Game pond there is a substantial increase in people walking with their dogs around the pond.
I am out in the morning regularly for a run and used to enjoy going to the Fish and Game pond. Lately, I have had too many dogs bolting at me while running. I wish people who cannot control their dogs, whether large dog or small, would keep them on a leash.
It would be nice to see more people using the off leash area.

Hoping to see a new bylaw to keep dogs on a leash so runners can once again enjoy a stress free run.
Susan Gillard
Don’t need a NEW Bylaw Susan – All we need is for the existing one to be enforced…
Unfortunately, rather than registering an official or formal complaint with the Town, most folks will only complain in the media or on Facebook and/or Twitter. Our CPOs cannot be expected to react to what is essentially only an unsubstantiated rumour. You want action – go for the gusto… Otherwise – forget about it!
At present there is no off leash by-law in Morinville James. COP has authority only when if there is a loose dog who is out of control or bites a citizen. I have called by-law and was informed of this by the officer who responded to my complaint (or rumoured complaint). We are “helpless” to enforce any by-law unless we witness “out of control behaviour” I was informed. The officer I spoke with explained that he has prepared an amendment or new by-law to be presented to council when they sit again in the fall. Hopefully it will get the attention it deserves.