Town and Girl Guides partnering for little free library

by Morinville News Staff

The Town of Morinville announced Thursday they will assist the Morinville Girl Guides in bringing a Little Free Library (LFL) to Town.

Little Free Libraries are a take-a-book / leave-a-book exchange that is growing in popularity globally. The libraries began in 2009 and there are currently 25,000 of them around the world in front yards and other locations.

Morinville’s LFL will be located at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre.

Morinville Girl Guide leaders, Aimee Williams and Gillian Edwards approached the Town of Morinville Community Services department to partner as the LFL is part of their clubs’ National Service Project “Words in Action”.
“I have seen this type of book exchange before and was very excited at the opportunity for the Town of Morinville to partner with the Girl Guides to develop this program in Morinville,” said Community Development Coordinator Allen Jacobson in a release Thursday.

Morinville Community Library Manager Isabelle Cramp is also in favour of the idea, according to the release. The LFL initiative is meant to complement the library and other literary initiatives in the community.

The Girl Guides have decorated the LFL and will stock and maintained it.

The Town sees the cultural centre as a good location for the LFL as it is seen as the cultural hub of the community.
The LFL will be registered at It is set to be installed at the cultural centre Sept. 3 at 4:30 p.m.