submitted by The Town of Morinville
On Thursday, October 15, 2015, Morinville Town Council hosted neighbouring municipalities and regional partners at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre to discuss the Arena/Multi-‐Use Recreation Facility project.
Roughly 35 people attended the dinner and information sharing representing Alexander First Nation, Edmonton Garrison, Sturgeon County, and the Town’s of Bon Accord, Gibbons, Legal, Redwater, and Westlock. Unfortunately, representatives from the City of St. Albert were unable to attend.
Mayor Lisa Holmes kicked off the evening by welcoming everyone, followed by a group photo.
Following dinner and introductions, Mr. Brian Bengert from Arch|TB as well as Mr. Mike Roma and Mr. Rob Parks from RC Strategies introduced themselves and their companies.
“We are thrilled to have the experience and knowledge of the Arch|TB and RC Strategies teams to support us with this project, and look forward to working with them as it progresses,” said Mayor Lisa Holmes.
The floor was then opened to everyone in attendance who wished to say a few words.

Topics discussed included the importance of learning from what others have done, ensuring we build for the future, developing partnerships, finalizing the regional recreation agreement, continuing the dialogue between all regional partners, and continuing to engage the community.
“We had great discussions on the different ways this facility will be used by everyone in the region and are committed to continuing to offer any of these regional leaders the ability to participate in all stages of the project,” Holmes said.
A large user-‐group and general public meeting is scheduled for
October 28 from 6:30 to 8:30pm in which Mayor and Council will be welcoming the Architect Team of Arch|TB and introducing them to the community.
The meeting will include a project update, stages and opportunities for ongoing involvement, and opportunities within project scope.