Exceptional women sought for International Women’s Day event

by Stephen Dafoe

Residents have three weeks to nominate exceptional area women for some special recognition. For the past 20 years, the St. Albert Bahá’í community has sponsored an annual celebration of United Nations International Women’s Day by recognizing the contributions women make to society.

These contributions include generosity of spirit, courage, creativity, determination, steadfastness, leadership, enthusiasm, love, caring, and other attributes that enrich the communities in which they live. This year’s celebrations will take place in St. Albert on Mar. 5 but the deadline for nominations is Feb. 6.

Organizer Elaine Tahririha said it was important to recognize the passion and dedication of area women.

“We do this because in the Bahá’í writings there are many references to the importances of establishing equality between men and women,” she said. “As long as one-half of our population doesn’t enjoy equal rights, our whole society suffers. In fact, I believe we will not know world peace until women take their proper places alongside men in all walks of society.

Last year, three Morinville residents were recipients for recognition Louise Horstman, Laura Hennie, and Lisa Holmes were all recognized of the St. Albert / Morinville / Sturgeon County International Women’s Day award.

Local nominees sought

The committee is currently looking for help finding nominations for unsung heroines living in St. Albert, Sturgeon County and the communities within Sturgeon County, as well as those bordering the County as long as they are not from larger cities.

Nominations are open to women and female youth who demonstrate the generosity of spirit, courage, creativity, determination, steadfastness, enthusiasm, love, care, leadership, and other qualities that enrich community life.
Nomination considerations include the areas of motherhood, aboriginal initiatives, science, arts, business, community service, health, literacy, mentorship, peace, and youth. The public, organizations and community groups are all welcome to submit nominations.

Tahririha said they were looking for nominees with passion and love. “The passion for whatever it is they are committed to, and this love and knowing that they have to do this,” she said of the drive and purpose of past recipients. They are attributes found in a number of Morinville residents who have received the honour in previous years. “Morinville seems to have connectivity in the community,” she said.

“There seem to be a lot of people working together and recognizing the feminine leadership that is there.”
Deadline for nominee submissions is Feb. 6. Nomination forms are available at www.stalbertbahai.org, or by email at stalbertbahai@shaw.ca. For more information call 780-459-4060.