RCMP offer seven tips for safe online shopping

submitted by RCMP

RCMP are cautioning online shoppers not to get stung in an online deal. Police say the number of people shopping online has grown steadily over the years along with the methods of buying and selling online.

While the speed and ease of online purchasing make for an attractive way to do business, the RCMP are reminding people to keep their safety in mind when buying and selling online:

They offer the following tips:

1/ Be aware that the picture of an item listed for sale online may not be the actual item. Ensure that the description is accurate, that the person selling the item has the authority to do so and that there are not any hidden fees or costs.

2/ If meeting someone to view an item for sale, try to arrange to do so in a public place during daylight hours and bring a friend or family member along.

3/ Always tell someone where you are going and when you’ll be back if going to see an item for sale.

4/ When meeting a seller, do not get out of your vehicle until you feel secure and are confident that you are meeting with the person with whom you arranged the viewing.

5/ If you have one, bring your cell phone with you and have someone call you during the transaction to ensure that you are safe.

6/ If having people over to your home to view an item you have for sale, always have a friend with you, try to do so during daylight hours and ask the buyer for identification.

7/ Finally, if the deal sounds too good to be true, it most likely is.

for more information about identifying a fraud or online scam go to http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/scams-fraudes/index-eng.htm.