Above: Musée Morinville Museum Operations Attendant Donna Garrett (left) and Angie Gibeault pose with some of the many items Gibeault brought to the museum as a donation. In addition 23 self-help books from the 1940s, Gibeault donated a children’s tool box and a 1938 Bible.
by Lucie Roy
Morinville News Correspondent
More than 23 self-help books from the 1940s were among a collection of items donated to the Musée Morinville Museum by Angie Gibeault.
One of the books is A Book of Manners: Present-Day Customs and the Courtesies of Social Intercourse, published in 1924. It covers the topics of calls and cards, introductions and invitations, how to behave in other people’s houses, the debutante, and her escort, table manners, and the woman who travels alone.
Museum Operations Attendant Donna Garrett said the Book of Manners, written by Margaret Emerson Bailey, is an appropriate tie-in to the upcoming Random Act of Kindness Day (Feb. 17). The book covers good manners as one of the common privileges and something within the reach of all rather than a fashion or a fad.

Other books included one about perfumes titled Things Perfumes Whisper, and a 1918 song book titled Songs the Soldiers and Sailors Sing.
Gibeault’s gift to the museum also included a small jewelry case, metal children’s tool box, 1938 Bible owned by Ernest Houle, and other historical items.
Gibeault said her mother would keep everything, and she has inherited most of it. While doing some house cleaning, she decided to donate some of the items to the museum.