by Morinville News Staff
The Town of Morinville is reminding residents of the danger of fishing/skating on the storm water ponds in and around Morinville.
Recent warmer temperatures and melting ice has resulted in Public Works staff pumping storm water ponds down to leave room for the extra water filling them. This work is creating a hollow between the ice and the water, which the Town says can take less weight than directly-supported ice.
“Unfortunately we have to pump the water down to prevent excess water causing flooding,” said Public Works Operations Manager Donald Fairweather in a release Tuesday morning. “While we understand residents enjoy fishing and skating on these ponds, doing so at this time is not advised.”
The Town says all stormwater ponds currently have thin ice signs posted; however, residents typically shovel and skate on them at their own risk.
Thank you town of Morinville for not being like our neighboring cities and making stupid bylaws about use of these storm ponds. Our family and our neighbors enjoy having skating rinks on these ponds which just adds value to small town living.