Letter: Reinforcing the community identity of Morinville

Dear Editor,

It is with a delighted heart that I am writing to you to express my undoubted support and excitement for the grand opening of the Morinville Fish and Game association’s new clubhouse. With the challenges that rural communities can face with reinventing themselves, it is very refreshing to see that the people of Morinville have come together to reconstruct the community center and contribute to a stronger communal identity in town.

It is important for there to be a place that can bring people together and strengthen relationships that people have with one another. The opening of this community center will strengthen community ties by increasing youth education and involvement pertaining to rural activities. Bringing power to the youth of a community is a step towards ensuring the prosperity of the next generation of community members. This can foster a community identity as well as turn strangers into neighbours and carry on the livelihood and planning of the town of Morinville. The strong commitment and hard work that the volunteers from the area put towards this project shows how tight knit the community already is, and shows that people will selflessly work to better their community.

By allowing other non-profit groups access to the center, the association will have the opportunity to strengthen their relationship with the town. Additionally, with the proposed idea of adding an archery range, a wider breadth of individuals can take part in the sport and become apart of the community who uses the clubhouse.

This is a wonderful opportunity for people of all ages to learn about hunting and fishing and it is exciting to see how the new clubhouse will shape the community and engage community members for the years to come.


A thrilled Supporter
Nicole Creaser
3rd year Environmental and Conservation Sciences Student
University of Alberta

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