CRB to incubate independent regional economic development

by Morinville News Staff

The Capital Region Board (CRB) table will be a “jumping off point” for the development of a new regional economic development entity.

At the CRB’s Mar. 10 meeting, the Board of 24 municipalities in the Capital Region decided against having the Board oversee economic development in the region itself. Instead, the Board opted to “direct administration to facilitate a first meeting of interested parties.”

“We’re pleased to have made a decision and are now ready to look at coordinated action sooner rather than later to bring more recognition and more business to the Edmonton Metropolitan Region,” said Board Chair Nolan Crouse in a release Friday morning.

“The Board is maturing and this shows that its regional perspective can provide more immediate benefits in addition to its main work that is long-term regional growth planning.”

CRB Administration will report back to the Board on the inaugural meeting in June.