Talk of the Town

Now That’s Active Living

Thursday night’s Active Living Fair offered residents a chance to learn about recreational and club activities in town as well as see a number of demonstrations, including Zumba and Taekwon-do.

– Lucie Roy Photos



Singing for seniors

A Seniors Workshop was held Thursday in Redwater with more than 120 participants, including 30 from Morinville.

Speakers included Minister of Seniors and Housing, the Honourable Lori Sigurdson, Athabasca-Sturgeon-Redwater MLA Colin Piquette, Sturgeon County Councillor Karen Shaw and Redwater Councillor Jack Dennett. The event included presentations from the Sturgeon Foundation on housing, Alberta Council on Aging,Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch, RCMP, Personal Life Coach Janet Waldon, and a performance by the Morinville Minstrels. Georgette Cyr, a member of the Sturgeon County Senior Citizens’ Advisory Board, was the emcee for the event.

– Lucie Roy Photo


Cookies to go

Brownie/Guide/Ranger Leader Dougie Edwards and Deputy District Commissioner Katherine Greenwood were at their booth Thursday night during the Active Living Fair. The annual event gathers local community groups and sports teams, giving Morinville and area families a one-stop registration and information venue.

– Lucie Roy Photo


A sample of song

The Morinville Community Cultural Centre held their 2016-17 concert season launch party Thursday night in conjunction with the Active Living Fair. The event included the Lisa Brokop Meet & Greet. Canadian Country Music Award winner Lisa Brokop will be singing some of Patsy Cline’s most popular songs during The Patsy Cline Project Nov. 5, the first of the cultural centre’s Main Stage shows for the year.

– Lucie Roy Photo


Ambrose packs Chamber

Interim Conservative Party of Canada Leader and Sturgeon River-Parkland M,P the Honourable Rona Ambrose, was the guest speaker at the Morinville and District Chamber of Commerce’s luncheon Sept. 7, packing the cultural centre with 117 local Chamber members, Rotarians, and guests from inside and outside the community. See full story here.

– Stephen Dafoe Photo