Early Childhood Education Program helps little ones grow


Above: Ashley CAIN shows off some of the books in the program. – Submitted Photo

submitted by Morinville Public Library

The Morinville Community Library is excited to announce the launch of their 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program which began accepting registration Sept. 5. This internationally acclaimed program has garnered plenty of attention in libraries across North America since it was first launched by the 1000 Books Foundation in Nevada, USA in 2013. For more information on the foundation, visit www.1000booksbeforekindergarten.org.

The aim of the program is to encourage parents with pre-school age children to read together on a daily basis. The 1000 Books Foundation website references numerous studies that demonstrate the connection between reading and early brain development, key literacy and language skills and future academic success. Library Assistant Manager Cheryl Pasechnik is responsible for introducing 1000 Books to the library. “This is an awesome program!” she said. “It gives your child a head start towards a love of reading that they will use throughout their lives.”

Additionally, spending time reading together every day provides families with routine moments of emotional bonding. The children begin to associate reading with affection, allowing parents to cultivate an early love for literature and learning.

“It’s a special time that parents and children can share together and another way to create lasting memories,” Pasechnik adds.

Already engaging patrons from school age to adult with their Summer and Winter reading programs, the library felt it needed to provide similar opportunities to its very young readers. The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program fulfills that need. It is simple to participate, free to register as long as you have a library card, and the rewards are immeasurable.

For more information, visit the library or call 780-939-3292.