by Morinville News Staff
Morinville backs resolution supporting Northern Gateway Pipeline
Council passed a motion regarding a resolution being proposed by the Town of Whitecourt and Strathcona County to support the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project at the upcoming Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) Convention in early October.
Fourteen communities that exist along the proposed pipeline right-of-way are being asked to extend their support for the resolution and to act as its co-sponsors.
Should the resolution pass at Convention, AUMA will be writing a letter on behalf of its member municipalities, making two requests to the Provincial Government regarding the pipeline.
One request is to have the Province voice its support for the project. The other one asks the Province to lobby the Federal Government to engage in a new set of consultations with First Nations and Metis communities along the pipeline route.
During Morinville’s Sept. 13 Council Meeting, Mayor Lisa Holmes explained she wanted to discuss the matter, and had it added to the agenda. She clarified that as the President of AUMA, if the letter to the Province goes forward, it will bear her signature, regardless if Morinville supports it or not.
The motion to support Whitecourt and Strathcona County’s resolution was passed with all councillors voting in favour, with the exception of Deputy Mayor Brennan FitzGerald.
In June, the Town of Morinville also penned a letter to the National Energy Board supporting the pipeline project.
Update on LAV III Project
Coun. Nicole Boutestein wants to know where the Town is at with regard to its LAV III Monument Project.
Boutestein successfully passed a motion for an information request, looking for details on the project’s financials. She said she wants the figures so Council can have them during their upcoming Budget 2017 Retreat.
That motion was unanimously passed.
The LAV III, which stands for Light Armoured Vehicle, was awarded to the Town of Morinville in April by the Canada Company. The monument will honour veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces, with particular emphasis on the Afghanistan War.
Council hits the breaks on pedestrian crossing lights on 100 Ave. & 107 St.
After a lengthy debate on a related matter, Councillors voted unanimously in favour of halting the installation of crossing lights at 100 Avenue and 107 Street.
The motion to hold off on the lights, which will cost the Town $125,000, was made by Coun. Stephen Dafoe after an earlier motion was approved, requesting the Province immediately put up traffic lights at that intersection instead (See related story here).
“I think it goes without saying, if we’re now going to ask Alberta Transportation for traffic lights at that intersection, we’re not going to prop up a pedestrian light there…we should put that on hold until we have that conversation [with the government]. I think for $125,000 we should do our due diligence,” explained Dafoe.
Since the minutes of Council Meetings are next to worthless and we won’t see them for a few weeks yet, Perhaps Councillor Brennan would like to let his fans know exactly “WHY” he voted against the motion to support the pipeline resolution. I know that I, for one, am VERY interested!
Councillor Brennan??
James O’Brien
Maybe councillor FitzGerald is looking past dollar signs to the environmental impact and wellbeing of our community.