by Morinville News Staff
Residents and communities with innovative ideas to help raise awareness on speeding, impaired driving and the importance of wearing seatbelts are invited to submit applications for money from the $500,000 Alberta Traffic Safety Fund (ATSF) to support community-based safety initiatives.
ATSF tries to identify and address traffic safety priorities by encouraging people to develop and implement collaborative and preventative projects.
“When most people think of traffic safety, they think of police officers running checkstops and enforcing speed limits,” said Minister of Transportation Brian Mason. “The Traffic Safety Fund aims to create awareness and educate Albertans at a local level about the dangers of impaired driving, not wearing your seatbelt, speeding and other dangerous driving behaviours.”
Applicants may apply for a small grant ($5,000 maximum) or a large one ($5,001 to $17,000).
The deadline to apply is Jan. 31, 2017.