Council passes motions to consider Perras Place repairs, postpone demolition

by Tristan Turner
Morinville News Correspondent

Following two unanimous motions from Councillor Stephen Dafoe, Council has decided to temporarily hold off on demolishing Perras Place and consider the actual total costs of making necessary repairs to keep the century-old building up to code. These motions come following an impassioned speech given by community member Paul Riopel during a recent Committee of the Whole meeting, requesting that Council save the historical site slated for demolition by the Town next spring.

During his speech, Riopel noted the importance of keeping this piece of history saying: “History is what provides an identity [to a community], giving a foundation from which to grow and prosper.”

Above: An area has been created for the Chamber of Commerce and Visiter Information Centre in the lobby of Town Hall opposite the library entrance.

The structure, built in 1903, is currently owned by the Town and currently houses the Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce and the Visitor Information Centre, though both are already being moved to the main floor of St. Germain Place (Town Hall).

Town Administration feels that substantial repairs will be required to save the structure and keep it safe, particularly if it is going to continue being used commercially, though no substantial numbers have been made available yet.

Neither Dafoe nor any other member of Council offered their support to saving Parras Place Nov. 22. Dafoe’s motions were only dedicated to receive information about the costs required to bring the centre back up to code and preventing its demolition until a discussion on those costs could be had.


  1. There are quite a few clubs and organizations looking for a home or meeting space. There are many options available. Leaving the chamber and tourist where they are, renting to clubs and groups, or home to a needy cause, like the Midstream, JMMF office… or making it into an extended museum with displays in every room from the applicable time period and charge admission and house the tourist office there.

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