Crime Stoppers help clear many files in 2016

by Morinville News Staff

Crime Stoppers Edmonton and Northern Alberta are hoping people will spread the word about the work the crime organization does during Crime Stoppers Month.

They have launched a Twitter campaign with a #31DaysofCS! Hashtag to spread the word on how tips to Crime Stoppers help solve crimes.

Crime Stoppers is a charitable not-for-profit organization that provides an anonymous phone line that rewards individuals who report crime tips up to $2000.

In 2016 there were 2900 Edmonton-based tips, resulting in 86 arrests, 481 charges and the closing of 44 cases. Tips resulted in the recovery of $1,416,352 in property, including $343,841 and $1,072,511 in recovered property.

Excluding Edmonton, in 2016, Crime Stoppers received 1,915 from Northern Alberta. Those tips resulted in 31 arrests, 89 charges, and the clearing of 79 cases. The 2016 tips resulted in $286,641 in seizures, including $108,851 in drugs and $177,790 in property. A total of $9100 in rewards was handed out in Northern Alberta and another $20030 for Edmonton crime tips.

For more information on Crime Stoppers Edmonton and Alberta North visit