Free movie nights are a go for 2017

by Tristan Turner
Morinville News Correspondent

Council was informed that 2017 would see the return of free movie nights for Morinville families, with multiple events planned for the coming year.

The program is made possible through a partnership between Morinville News and the Morinville Community Cultural Centre and offers free movies to the public at the municipally-owned centre.

Local charities will be given the opportunity to run the cash concession keeping all profits for their organization. The first will be the Friends of the Morinville Public Library.

Movie nights do not cost taxpayers directly beyond the in-kind rental of space and some staff time, as the nights are put on by the Morinville News for the whole community. Morinville News is contributing $1750 in cash and in-kind contributions per event.

Movies shown in the past include Jurassic World and Minions, which have raised more than $1,000 for library programs and services.

The first 2017 movie will take place Feb. 19 at 3 p.m. during Family Day weekend. Due to movie licensing agreements, the movie cannot be announced until Feb. 1.