by Tristan Turner
Morinville News Correspondent
Council upheld an agreement between the Town and the Library to reimburse its ratepayers whatever the library received from Sturgeon County in funding this year.
Sturgeon County recently gave the library $25,000 in funding, up from the $3,000 it has previously given. However, the County also lowered the book allotment (previously based on County memberships in the libraries) by equally dividing it among the five libraries.
The net County increase to Morinville in 2017 was more than $18,0000, which Council clawed back into Town coffers.
The motion was put forward by Library Board member Councillor Rob Ladouceur, who commented that he was happy to see the increase in funding from the County, and that Council and the library will continue to advocate for additional increases in County funding to realize cost savings for Morinville ratepayers.

Only Councillor Barry Turner voted against the motion,commenting, “I feel we should be encouraging the County to continue to increase their contribution [to the library]… and I feel just reducing our funding by the same amount [that they additionally provide], they [the County] are not realizing a value for their residents.”
Turner further commented that he would be happier if the library got additional funding, potentially to put towards the Summer Reading Program or other events. He felt that the Town should reduce their funding by half of the increase seen from the County, not reduce by the same amount.
The motion quickly passed 5-1, with only a few brief comments from the rest of council.