Council passes new ‘Media Relations’ package for new councillors

closed session

by Tristan Turner
Morinville News Correspondent

Council has unanimously approved an information report on media relations to be passed on to the next Council in the fall. The package will include the importance of Council responding to media questions in a timely manner as well as information on timelines and conditions surrounding complaints about inaccurate and misleading reporting, defamation, and how to take legal action against stories that potentially defame.

Also included in the report are time limits related to filing complaints to various press bodies on a dispute, including the Alberta Weekly Newspaper Association, Canadian Association of Journalists and the Canadian Radio and Television Commission.

Felicity Bergman, Corporate Communications Officer with the Town, prepared and presented the report. Council had no clarifying questions and swiftly accepted the report for information unanimously.

Councillor Dafoe, who originally moved the information request to receive this information, thanked Bergman for it saying, “it was exactly what was requested.”

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