Community briefs: coaches needed, art club registering, and active living fair on Thursday

by Morinville News Staff

Coaches needed

With school back in and Morinville Community High School looking to another great season of sports, the school is now accepting applications for a Junior Varsity Boys Volleyball Coach and an Assistant Junior Varsity Girls Volleyball Coach.

“We are seeking an enthusiastic, highly motivated individual who would like to teach the skills and strategies of volleyball,” MCHS Athletic Director Kent Lessard told Morinville News.

The start date for both coaching slots is the week of September 11th until the completion of the season in early November.

All applicants must have a criminal record and a child welfare check, and the successful applicants must also complete Alberta Schools Athletic Association Bylaws and concussion courses.

Those interested are asked to submit a brief resume with their background in volleyball and coaching.

Applications are to be submitted to the MCHS office.

For more information contact Kent Lessard at 780-939-6891 or

35 Years of Art

Fall registration is just around the corner for the Morinville Art Club, who are in their 35th year of existence this year. Details in the poster below.

Showcasing The Community

The annual Active Living Fair take splace Sept. 7 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The event is hosted by Morinville Community Services and is an opportunity for the community to showcase the spirit of Morinville. Local organizations, community groups, agencies and businesses that provide services within Morinville take part in the event.

Residents will be able to obtain registration information at the various booths and register for some of the groups and activities on site.