Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities – Minister Irfan Sabir (far left), MLA Renaud (back row, right) and the members of the Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities.
by Morinville News Staff
Fourteen members have either been appointed or reappointed to the Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities, a council that advises government from a disability perspective on how to ensure programs, services, and communication tools are inclusive and accessible for those with varying abilities.
The province says an understanding of the concerns and priorities of Albertans with disabilities and their strong connections to the community lead to the members’ inclusion in the council. They will provide the government with input to help ensure people with disabilities are considered and involved in the development and implementation of programs and services.
“The Premier’s Council on the Status of Person with Disabilities ensures that the voices of people with varying abilities are included in the life of the province,” said Irfan Sabir, Minister of Community and Social Services in a release Thursday. “I thank the council for their unique and critical insights and their commitment and leadership to this important cause. I look forward to working with them as they help us improve the lives of people with varying abilities across Alberta.”

Sheila Serup will serve as chair. Marie Renaud, MLA for St. Albert, will serve as a member and deputy chair. All members will serve terms until June 30, 2020. The council members include Cheryl Cunningham-Burns, Alison Cutknife, Stephanie Myrick, Shino Nakane, Ann Nicol, Neil Pierce, Nabeel Ramji, Inara Samoylove, Cathy Smith, Cam Tait, D. John te Linde, Regan Treewater-Lipes, Darby Lee Young
Renaud said she was pleased to work with the dedicated individuals passionate about advocating for people with disabilities in Alberta. “Our goal is to help improve the well-being of people with disabilities, their families and communities by advising government about decisions that directly impact them,” she said.