by Lucie Roy
Morinville News Correspondent
The seven Morinville candidates seeking the six Councillor seats were on stage at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre on Wednesday night for the first all candidates’ debate.
Despite publicity in numerous newspaper, billboards, Facebook, Twitter, posters and related advertising mediums less than 50 residents turned out for the event hosted by the Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce.
The 2010 Morinville News / Smith Music forum drew approximately 140 residents out to hear candidates, while the 2013 forum drew close to 400 out.
The doors opened at 6 p.m. Wednesday night with candidates each having a table display if they so wished to use one.
Of the 11 questions asked, the topic did not sway much from the current buzz words of the day. The town’s budget, library funding, a pool, photo radar, and becoming a city, staying a town or becoming a specialized municipality were tackled. Other questions included what candidates deem are the qualities to look for in search of a new CAO, funding for the operational cost of running the new recreational facility, the proposed round-about, forwarding all grant monies towards the debt, and opinions on the cat and dog bylaw.
Simon Boersma, Past President of the Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce and the moderator, allowed each candidate a three-minute intro, question and answer session and a wrap-up from each candidate.
Residents have one more opportunity to question and hear from candidates.
The Morinville Public Library is holding a Speed-Date a Candidate forum on Oct. 3 at the Library from 7 p.m. to 8:30 pm. Residents are invited to sit one on one with each candidate to chat and ask questions.
For more Morinville Election coverage, see our Ask-A-Candidate feature and candidate profiles here.