Town considering making Perras Place lot a park

by Morinville News Staff

After much debate about the fate of Perras Place, Council ultimately decided it had to go. Demolition of the Moroccurred building occurred this fall.

Council is being asked to provide direction to Administration on what to do with the property at their Nov. 28 meeting.

In a report to Council in the Nov. 28 Council package, Administration has indicated that demolition was completed in a way that “most of the current infrastructure other than the building was saved,” something Administration believes works nicely for a park redevelopment.

“The current sign that is in place meets the park standard found in all the parks in Town and can easily be reworded to include a new park name,” the report continues.


Town Administration suggest the potential park be named Perras Place, retaining what the demolished house had on its front while maintaining recognition of the Perras Family.

Other infrastructure includes the plant gardens, a wooden tree sculpture and existing stamped concrete.

Administration says it has engaged the help of a landscape architect to “help develop a concept and budget that could be used as a starting point for redevelopment.”

Redeveloping the space to fit the concept is estimated to cost $77,319; however, Administration believes using the saved infrastructure and using Town resources where possible can reduce the budget.

The Town Administration also recommends using a phased approach to the park development over a two year period to halve the budget in 2018. Phasing would require a
budget of $25,000 to $35,000 per year.

Year two would include the development or planting of raised plant beds that would match the space that the Perras house once occupied.

Administration’s report indicates the proposed park creates “a linkage to our community past that celebrates both the Perras Family and other prominent events/People of Morinville.”

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