Stolen equipment found, allowing church move to proceed

by Morinville News Staff

There was a happy ending Thursday to a Tuesday night overnight theft.

Equipment to be used to move a gifted church from St. Albert to Sturgeon County, west of Morinville was recovered Thursday by police.

Kim Adams, Contract Administrator with Holmes Building Movers Ltd. told Morinville News Wednesday that someone had stolen a set of dollies and a trailer between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

Adams reached out to Morinville News Thursday afternoon with the good news the gear had been located.

“It has been confirmed from the Edmonton Police that our equipment has been found,” Adams said, noting the company was headed into the city to retrieve it. “Thank you everyone. We appreciate all that you have done.”

The former Lutheran Church in St. Albert was gifted to the Father’s House by Landrex and is scheduled to be cut into four pieces and moved to their property in Sturgeon County, just west of Morinville.

Morinville News will have coverage on the move when it occurs.


    • The move is scheduled shortly – likely no later than mid-February. The company is going to give us a heads up as we have been covering this story since the beginning.

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