The Father’s House Christian Fellowship (TFH) is excited to announce that their church building is now ready to be moved. Four sections of the church, currently alongside the highway on the north end of St Albert, will be moved 15 kilometers north, to a new and permanent location, west of Morinville next to Heritage Lake.
The four pieces of the 10,500 square foot church will be transported on Highway 2 and placed on the Landrex land north of Costco in the early hours of the morning on Monday, February 26. Incredibly, the building will then be transported across farmland until it reaches its destination later that week.
TFH wishes to acknowledge the generous and enthusiastic support of the University of Alberta and that of the many farm families and acreage owners who gave permission for the movers to transport the building across their land.
The Father’s House would also like to thank:
Landrex Inc. for donating the building and allowing us to store it on their land while we prepared the basement and foundation at our new location.
Holmes Building Movers for their expertise and partnership in this move.
Richlyn Custom Homes Ltd for their excellence in managing the move and church building project.

Fortis Energy, the City of St. Albert, Sturgeon County, and various others who have made this move possible.
Lastly, the many generous supporters of TFH for their giving and prayers that have made this project possible.
For more information or to discover how you can give toward this project please contact move@tfhchurch.ca
TFH Building Committee
Donnie Boutilier
Very interesting….Thanks for sharing!