Sturgeon Hockey Club hands out this year’s awards

Above: Midget hockey player Michael Yurchak in action at the last home game of the season Saturday. Below: Wayne Gatza and the Richardson family pose with the Jeff Richardson Memorial Award Yurchak was presented with after the game.

by Morinville News Staff

The Sturgeon Hockey Club (SHC) went back to the way things used to be this past weekend by handing out player and coach awards at the end of regular season games.

SHC President Wayne Gatza said the recent past had shown that some recipients did not attend the SHC Annual General Meeting to receive the award and that returning to the custom of passing out awards to players at their final home game on the ice made the presentation more special.

Six of the SHC’s annual awards were handed out Saturday and Sunday in Legal and Morinville at the conclusion of the teams’ last home game of the season.

Saturday’s trophy round saw Novice 3 Coach Trevor Long receiving the Jr. Coach of the Year award in Legal.

Midget hockey player Michael Yurchak took Sr. Goalie of the year. The Jeff Richardson Memorial Award goes to the Top Sr. Goaltender. The Richardson family, who sponsor the award were on hand to present the plaque to Yurchak.

Sunday saw Peewee 2 goalie Reid Lutgen receive the Jeff Richardson Memorial Award for Top Jr. Goalie, again from the Richardsons in Legal. The

Novice 4 player Reed McArthur received the Kevin Lynch Memorial award. This award is presented annually to the most improved Novice player in A, B or C teams.

Bantam AA player Joel Amonson was the recipient of the Dacs Gray award.

Bantam AA Coach Greg Northcott was the recipient of the Sr. Coaching Award.

Gatza said the volunteer awards would be presented at the SHC’s upcoming Annual General Meeting.