by Morinville News Staff
Sturgeon County residents have an opportunity to help creat a mosaic mural celebrating Sturgeon County’s Centennial.
Participants will paint individual tiles representing their thoughts about Sturgeon County from their own perspective. Each tile painting will then become part of a larger mural to symbolizing Sturgeon County’s Centennial.
The Mosaic Mural Project is led by internationally recognized artist Lewis Lavoie, who helped craft Morinville’s Canada 150 mural. Between 600 and 800 participants will take part. The mural will be composed of numerous tiles to create an 8-foot by 16-foot mural.
“This is collaboration at its finest between Lewis Lavoie, his team and the Sturgeon County community,” said Mayor Alanna Hnatiw. “We want this to be something people will be proud of when they can look at the finished product and know they helped create a beautiful legacy item.”
Workshops will be hosted May 5, 12 and June 9 and 16 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Each workshop will include four segments of approximately 45 minutes long. Residents are asked to pre-register for the workshops online at
The Sturgeon County mural will also be recognized as part of the Canada 150 Mosaic Mural Project. The official public unveiling of Sturgeon County’s mural will take place at the Centennial Event on Saturday, September 8 at Cardiff Park.
Following the event, the mural will be on exhibit at Sturgeon County Centre in the main lobby.